
Hotel garni Buchenhof
Sternbergstraße 40
A-9220 Velden
T: +43 / 4274 / 4343

Owners: Bruno and Hildegard Mitterberger

Alternative Dispute Resolution according to Art. 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which you can find at We are not obliged and not willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Legal Disclosure / Disclaimer
The content offered here is for general information purposes only. We do not guarantee or accept liability for the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and availability of the provided information/services. They cannot replace comprehensive legal advice. If you need specific advice, please contact an expert. Links to other online offers have been carefully selected. However, we have no influence over their content, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and availability. We do not guarantee or accept liability for downloadable forms, particularly regarding their timeliness, suitability for a specific purpose, and freedom from viruses. We reserve the right to change, supplement, delete, or temporarily or permanently cease the offered information/services at any time and without prior notice. We strive to keep problems with retrieving information/services due to disruptions or incompatibilities to a minimum. However, it cannot be ruled out that data and information on our website may not be displayed correctly or completely. We do not accept liability for our service being uninterrupted or otherwise affected by disruptions.

Intellectual Property / Copyright
All content, the layout, and any audio and video sequences are protected by copyright. All rights remain with the rights holder. No changes may be made. Public use of the information/services is only permitted with our consent and must include a reference to the source. Simply linking to our content with simultaneous source reference is allowed for everyone and does not require special permission.

Final Provisions
Austrian law exclusively applies to the use of the information/services. The district court of Klagenfurt is agreed as the place of jurisdiction. If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer, or not completely comply with the current legal situation, the remaining parts remain unaffected in their content and validity. In place of an ineffective provision or to fill a gap, an appropriate, legally permissible regulation shall apply, which comes closest to what was intended according to the sense and purpose of these terms of use, assuming knowledge of the partial invalidity or gap.


Design & Implementation: BOCK Agentur
Images: Florentina Klampferer, Unsplash